Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Stumbling behind with Things

I saw Emma waving the checkered flag and I guess I really need to catch up, again. So here I am whizzing through, again. I already have accounts with the two social networking tools, Twitter and Facebook. But, I had never used them before.

For this project, I decided to join in the fun. I have tweeted a few bits and pieces although it was quite difficult to impart information in 140 characters.  But I did enjoy following the tweets from other people.

Everyone I know is into Facebook. I have one but it was never active. I prefer the human-to-human interaction. Does that show my age???

I can see why libraries are using a popular forum widely used by the students. Will students check their library Facebook? 2466 in our library were not too bad.

"Stumbling is not falling"
~Malcolm X~

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